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How To Increase Domain Authority Fast :19 Best Ways 2024

How to increase domain authority fast in less time? Is it possible?

I say Yes it is.

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There are above 200 ranking factors to rank, But domain authority is one of the most important factors to improving your search engine ranking.

So the question comes to our mind ” How to increase domain authority fast and in an easy way ?”

As we all know Domain Authority is an emerging key factor in SEO. In the future & now domain authority has a significant role in SERP(Google, Yahoo/BING). It will also help you to increase website traffic.

In this short post, I will share the 9 most effective ways to improve our website DA score.

In this post  You will learn :

  1. What is DA
  2. Importance Of High DA Score
  3. Facts that effects Domain Authority
  4. What is a good domain authority score
  5. How to really improve your DA score fast?

Ready to learn ….?

O.K let’s Start :

What is domain authority?

Domain Authority is a grade or score (ranging from 1-to 100) developed by Moz that estimates how well a website will rank on Google and other search engines. A new domain has a DA of 1.

You may notice that sometimes some posts rank higher without having too many backlinks. The reason is  DA. A Domain authority blog is likely to rank higher in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

Importance of High Domain Authority:-

A site with a high DA score ranks quickly. If your blog has high DA then you can sell it easily at a higher price.

How to check domain authority in bulk:-

To check your website domain authority you can go to opensiteexplorer and enter your own domain name.

If you want to check DA in bulk, you need to go free tools SEO weather and enter all the domains: –

image under: How to increase domain authority

Now you know your DA score  but the next question is asked often in forums is ” what is a good domain authority score?”

Answer is:-

“It may depend on your niche .However a DA score of 20 is good . A DA score of 40 is very good and anything over 60+ is excellent .”

So let’s move to the main part of this post:-

How to Increase Domain authority?

There are several methods but I will share only 9 tested and most effective methods to improve your DA score.

  1. Domain Age: – This is the number and most important factor which affect domain authority. The elder your site, your will get better DA score.

This is the reason why every new domain has DA Score of 1 and old sites like Google, Microsoft ,Tumblr, etc has DA scores of 100.

2. Domain History: If in the past your domain was used for spamming (or have spam links ) then the DA score will below .So make sure if you buy a new domain check that history via waybackmachine .

3. Get Rid of Bad Link:-. The bad links will decrease your domain authority as well as your ranking. There is no benefit to getting links from the post which has high OBL( Outbound link) .

You should try to get backlinks from a page that has under 100 OBL.

Never and ever do spam link building. It will not improve your SEO.

To know from which domain you are getting links , simply go to your webmaster tool.

If you find any bad backlinks just disavow all of them.

Getting rid of these toxic and spammy links is as important as getting high authority backlinks You should never share adult content on your site.

4. Drive tons of social shares: I have mentioned many times that social signals are the new backlinks.

But there is a loophole. I have tested that “Fake social signals are as effective as real .”

I have shared a list of the best social media exchange sites where you can get quality social signals for free.

  1. You can also buy about 2300 social signals for $3 from seoclerks.
  2. Register at viralcontentbuzz which is free and get quality social shares for your post.

Suggested Reading :

  • 51 Ways to get fast FB page likes
  • 50 ways to get free Twitter followers.

5. Time spent on your site:-

How users find your site, how many pages they visit, and the time they spend on your site is considered while giving domain authority. More times, more page views, and more traffic will give you more DA score.

6. Write in a selected niche If you want to increase your DA fast , you need to focus on a selected niche. You should only publish great content only in your field. In other words don’t confuse your readers. It will also help you to rank fast on Google. Micro niche sites are the best example of this.

7. Make site load fast: 

A study shows that most visitors wait under 7 sec to load a page. If your page can’t load before that time you are losing traffic. A fast load site will increase user experience.

And Yes UX (user experience ) is the main factor to increase your DA.

Here is an infographic from Kissmetrics  which reveals deeper info about loading time:

How to make your site load fast :

  1. Delete the useless plugin.

2. Download Wp-smush , Wpsweep, and w3 total cache plugin to make your site fast.

8. Crawl-ability and Broken link:-

Frequent crawl errors are really bad and reduce domain authority. If your site has any broken links then fix them as soon as possible.

How to easily find broken links on your site:

1.Log in to search console then crawl error then you will see a list of dead URLs on your site.

2. You can install a broken link extension and run that extension at each of your post.Once you find delete/exchange all dead URLs.

9. Build quality  backlinks from different domains and IPS:

This is the most important thing you should improve your domain authority. I have shared many articles related to this in past. Here are some:-

  • How to build 100 backlinks just in one hour
  • How to get high-quality backlinks in 13 ways (+infographics )
  • 10 Source of Hgh PA /DA Backlinks (Auto -approve )

Once you build backlinks for your blog, make sure you know how to index backlinks   because “a non indexed ” backlink is no backlink .

Moz considers these backlinks factors when grading DA score:-

  1. Quality of backlinks.: Build Backlinks from high DA Score
  2. Relevancy of backlinks.: Get backlinks from the site which is in your niche.
  3. Genuine or not:- Build editorial backlinks like a guest post
  4. How many nofollow & dofollow links.: More dofollow , better DA

10. Write better, high quality and long quality articles:

It’s good for SEO and also helps to increase your domain authority. So next time whenever you write post, try to make it longer than 2000 words.

Try to write for the user first then for Google. If your user loved your content then Google will also love your site.

Never copied another article. You can not improve your search ranking as well as your DA score if you write copy/pasted or crapped article.

Just a reminder “Content is always king.”

Domain authority is all about trust ( or like trust flow of majestic ). If solve your reader problem then they will trust your site and Google will reward you. And your DA score will improve easily.

In short, if you are not writing quality content then any of the tricks mentioned in this post will work for you.

11. Try to keep your permalink short: It s part of technical SEO. A short permalink or URL will help Google to index your post fast.

12. Use LSI keywords instead of repeat the same words again and again.

It will also improve your search engine visibilities and increase your domain authority at the same time.

13. Try to avoid link diluters:

Link dilution is the term used when we place tons of links on the same page. It is the linking of pages that are not required or useless links. Try to keep links under 100 on every page.

14. Update frequently or post fresh article:- Google loved it, your reader loved it. It will help to increase your DA score very fast . Frequently updating sites will have more domain authority.

Generally, You should try to post articles once a week . Never make your site dead.

15. Internal link:- Interlinking is one of the most important factors ranking. Try to interlink your old post with new and vice-versa. While writing each article link other related articles of your site with relevant keywords, which gives more readership and domain authority.

16. Get Backlinks from Edu and Gov sites: These are the most authoritative sites on the planet. A backlink from the gov or Edu site is equal to 10 links from genral sites.

There are many ways to get Edu and gov backlinks for your blog. Here is one article which I shared in the past.

251+ Free Edu and gov sites list to get backlinks

17. 100% Uptime:- Server which always serving increases traffic as well as domain authority

18. Malware:- If malware is found on the server domain authority will be decreased dramatically

19. Redirection:- Try to avoid unnecessary redirects within your site or others.This is the best tip I can give you on how to increase domain authority without wasting too much time.

Crawl errors and malware can be found in Google Webmaster tools. To Check and improve site speed Google Insights will be helpful.

Last words:-

To Increase domain authority you need to work on a regular basis with a plan. It takes time but if you follow the above advice then there is no doubt that your blog DA score will improve faster.

If you have anything to ask feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. In the last just answer the same question:-

How to increase domain authority fast and without wasting too much time? What is your personal advice on it?

12 thoughts on “How To Increase Domain Authority Fast :19 Best Ways 2024”

    1. DA is a factor defined by MOZ not by Google.But DA built with other factor which google consider to rank a page.
      So indirectly Google consider DA as a ranking factor.

  1. Good post here is below what i follow:
    The simple way I can suggest is to increase domain authority,
    1.Buy expired domains with good DA & PA and find all the back links of it then rebuild.
    2. Write articles in each back links of expired domain and in that articles build around 80 to 100 links that points to your new domain.
    3. Buy one more expired domain find all links and redirect it to you domain for permanent.
    This is the simple way you can get better results without someone help.

  2. Thanks for publishing the Great article about increase domain authority. As a newbie blogger, it helps me to increase domain authority of my blog.

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