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How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly -Secret Revealed 2024

How to increase Alexa rank fastly for free?

Well, this is the question I am searching for for the last 3 months. Finally, after some experience, I have found the solution to improve Alexa rank quickly

Have you tried searching for tips to increase Alexa rank quickly over the internet?  And feeling boar and tired to read phrases like  “write unique, quality or regular post”?

I know the secret of how to increase Alexa rank quickly and will be happy to share it with you. If you have a good Alexa rank, it will be good to make money through the internet.

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How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly 2024

But before further reading, I want to clarify that posting regularly, and posting great and unique content will NOT help you to increase your Alexa rank.

Do you worry about your website/blog’s poor Alexa rank? Here are proven tips on how to increase Alexa rank. I believe you’ll be amazed at the fast and quick results of the strategies I’m about to share with you.

What is Alexa rank?

Alexa rank is a measure of the traffic rank of a website/blog as compared to other websites on the internet. Alexa doesn’t give a concise traffic estimate of a website (number of traffic or visit). Its metric gives traffic comparison. A website with an Alexa rank of 1 has the largest pull of traffic. How to increase Alexa rank

The lower the number the better. A website with an Alexa rank of 10000 is better, in terms of traffic than a website with Alexa rank of 20,000. That is why you need to work on how to increase the Alexa rank of your website.

It has become obvious that any time we say increase Alexa rank of your site, we actually mean improving the ranking by taking the figure down. You can remember hearing phrases like:

Alexa top 10 website 

Alexa top 100 websites Alexa ranking below 100,000Alexa failure to give the actual number of visits to websites might make it look insignificant. and is compounded if I tell you Alexa rank isn’t an accurate estimate of website traffic level. Do you really know that

Alexa rank can be tricked. A lot of bloggers and webmasters increase Alexa rank with tricks. They employ black hat methods. there are a lot of black hat methods to increase Alexa rank fast and quickly.

Alexa rank, upon all these, still remains the top performance metric used to assess the quality, usefulness, and popularity of a website. That is the reason you see webmasters struggling to lower the Alexa rank of their website.

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Alexa  Ranking factors –

Bloggers/Web Masters are the people who install Alexa Toolbar on to their browser, so try to get traffic from them Alexa rank measures only the visits that trigger their system eg –

  • If you get 100 people who installed Alexa Toolbar daily then you should get an Alexa below 100,000 in the next one month.
  • To get Alexa Below 50,000 you should get about 200-250 per day.
  • To get Alexa Below 20,000 you need to get around 300-500 visits, who have installed Alexa toolbar.
  • To get below 10,000 you need to get around 500-800 visitors per day.
  • If you have about 1000-1500 visitors who installed Alexa toolbar then you can easily get your Alexa below 5000 in the next month.

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But why Alexa ranking is that important?

“It is simple. The answer isn’t far-fetched. One of the main goals of the website is to generate income. And the revenue comes from the third party. Advertisers use Alexa rank of a website to assert the viability of their investment on the website”

Your website Alexa rank creates the first impression. Advertisers’ sight is caught by the Alexa rank status of a website. If they are satisfied with the rank, they dig down to other ranking metrics such as Google page rank.

in short • Alexa measure is a comparative tool for your industry.• used by advertisers to get website marketing potential.• website with higher Alexa rank attracts more advertising and gets more ads.• “Same for all”, pages and website traffic are measured in the same way.

Some Myths about Increase Alexa Rank –

Before revealing the secret of increasing Alexa rank, I  will like to make you familiar with the myths that don’t work anymore but still, are using them. These are the facts that don’t work anymore to increase Alexa rank. But people still believe and waste their time using these techniques –

Myth#1. Posting Regularly –

Regular posts neither help SEO nor increase Alexa rank. You have read it right. Posting regularly without the right type of content only can waste your time but can’t help you to increase your Alexa rank. Writing twice a week is enough for better SEO as well as to increase Alexa rank.

Myth#2. Posting 2000 words post –

Posting big content helps you to rank higher on google but not to increase your Alexa rank. Same writing unique or great content won’t help you to increase your Alexa rank.

Myth #3: Claiming my site affects its rank.

Claiming your site has no effect on the rank and you don’t need to claim your site to get measured by Alexa. Claiming your site (which is a free service) and keeping your site description and contact information up-to-date ensures you won’t miss out on any potential business opportunities from the millions of people who visit Alexa every month.

Myth #4: Installing an Alexa widget will improve your rank.

No, the Alexa rank widgets allow you to promote your site’s rank to your site’s visitors. The widgets are not used to measure a site’s traffic.

Myth#5 Alexa Paid Service –

Alexa charges only forgive you an insight view of your site like Google Analytics. Alexa behaves the same for all users whether they have paid or Not.

So these are the myths that don’t work. So you are wondering what are the actual tricks which work to rank higher and to increase Alexa rank. O.K mate let’s start.

Secret No.1 Certified vs Estimated  site metrics

At first, a time when you register free or paid to Alexa, it provides an estimated site matrix for a new website and after some days when your site goes old about 15 days or more and starts getting good traffic, You see certified site metrics.

O.k so what here do you need to do? Never show certified site metrics. Always show estimated site metrics.  Because certified site metrics increase very fastly rather than certified site metrics.

I am sure you are reading it first. Am I right?

Secret No. 2 –  Cyber Cafe Tricks

Contact your Nearby Cybercafe owners to install the Alexa Toolbar in their P.Cs and set your website as a Homepage. Pay them for this work on a monthly bases or It depends upon your deal.

You will get more referral traffic from the Alexa toolbar installed on web browsers and it will help you to get a higher Rank. You can do the same in your office too.

Secret No. 3 –  Bring some visitors to your site’s Alexa page regularly

It is the second secret guys, that I try to do regularly. You may still have doubts about this fact. Actually, The page where you check your Alexa ranking is meant above and your Alexa page should be like this  First, start visiting your Alexa siteinfo’s URL regularly, at least 3-6 times per day. Then, try to get some views there.

My recommendation is to try this regularly and see if your rank is improving quickly.

Secret No. 4- Focus on getting traffic from webmasters

The reason for the need to source traffic from the webmaster is to improve your traffic count by Alexa. Webmasters most of the time do install Alexa toolbar on their browsers to track their website Alexa ranking and peep into competitors’ sites.

Google Engineer Matt Cutts mentioned how his blog is favored with webmaster Alexa rank bias over Here are a few tips to increase Alexa rank with webmasters visits on your blog:

Secret No. 5 –  Write on SEO, blogging, and Internet marketing

Aside from writing quality content, optimizing some of your content to increase Alexa rank is important. Articles based on blogging, SEO, and internet marketing help grow the Alexa rank of the website. These kinds of content attract webmasters who might have installed Alexa toolbar.

Secret No.6- Leverage dynamic IPs:

Browse your website daily on dynamic IPs. You work on your website on a daily basis. Isn’t it? If you browse on dynamic IPs, each IP is counted by Alexa as a visit. This count as part of the traffic for ranking your website. This isn’t a bad trick. If you don’t use dynamic IP, at least you still have to visit your own site.

Secret No. 7- Encourage users to install Alexa Toolbar

Since Alexa counts users based on who installed their toolbar and accessed your website. There is a problem because not all who read your blog will have installed the Alexa toolbar on their PC.

It is always best practice to encourage the readers to install the Alexa Toolbar. No doubt that will increase the chances to get your site access with more and more Alexa toolbar installed users.

Secret No. 8- Try to attract bloggers and webmasters to your blog

The logic behind this scene is webmasters and bloggers have Alexa toolbar installed already on their computers. This makes the stuff simple. This can be achieved by writing more and more articles about blogging and technology stuff on your blog. Of course, this is not possible in the case of other niche bloggers like health, finance, etc.

Secret No. 9 –  Install the Alexa toolbar

Spice your favorite browser with Alexa Toolbar. Encourage your fans, friends, and community blogger to do the same. When the Alexa toolbar is installed on a browser, Alexa records the hits that come to your website/blog through the browser. Click here to download the Alexa extension for your browser.

Secret No. 10 –  Be fully engaged in webmasters forums.

Tag your post SEO, blogging, and technology when promoting on Google+, Twitter, Stumbleupon, and Digg. Blog commenting and backlinking.

Webmasters do care about outbound links from their blogs. In an attempt to avoid spamming, if the comment is helpful, they check the website URL before accepting the comment.

Your website might peek at their interests and become regular visitors. Source for Comment Luv enabled blogs and contribute to the discussion. Blog commenting backlinks generally increase Alexa rank. Users of comment Luv are mainly webmasters and can give you a ranking boost.

Secret No. 11 – Share your post on social networking sites and blog communities.

Participate in Facebook technology, domaining, hosting, traffic, and webmaster group. Alexa likes visitors from Social Networking Sites particularly Facebook, though Alexa also likes Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. You will need to bring some traffics to bring up your Alexa ranking 

Secret No.12 –  Improve your website SEO/Traffic metrics

Alexa rank doesn’t only depend on the number of traffic to your website. Alexa takes into consideration other metrics such as bounce rate, daily page visit, and daily average time on site. Other metrics like backlinks are inclusive. Working to improve these metrics could go a long way to increasing Alexa rank.

I hope your query ” How to increase Alexa rank quickly ” has been solved if not there are some black hat methods.

Secret No. 13- How to Increase Alexa rank by Getting Fake Views to your site to improve Alexa ranking

This trick is known to many advanced bloggers as well as unknown to many newbies also. It is a little bit risky, to do it you have to set some things that I will inform you of below. So let’s begin the first black hat trick:

The things you have to set before doing this black hat trick

  • Remove all the Adsense ads to avoid getting banned from your Adsense account.
  • If you have other advertising companies’ ads on your site, then also Delete those.
  • It would be better if your site is hosted on blogger.
  • Don’t get overviews in a day from the site.
  • If you are using self-hosting then get views considering your bandwidth.

However, These were the condition for the work to keep your website 100% safe. Now we are going to the path of the secret.

Secret No14-  How to increase Alexa rank  by Alexa surfing    –

Alexa surf gives you 100 Alexa hits to your site when you complete sign up. So go to Alexa,  sign up,  enter your website and get 100 Alexa hits for free.

Secret No15- alexamaster  – will give you 20 Minutes for free when you registered.  Simply go to ,  sign up, and get 20 minutes Alexa hits for free.

Secret No. 16 –  How to increase Alexa rank by  rankboostup

This site also provides 20 free minutes for each new user. Simply register and get Alexa hits for your site.  Register for free. 

Final Thoughts :

I can say this will Have you any clue to increase Alexa rank?

I’ll like to hear from you. What works for you? What experience do you have with Alexa ranking metrics? Your comment is appreciated.  Also If you have any queries or suggestions please feel free to share them with us.

Do you like these posts on how to increase Alexa rank quickly?

56 thoughts on “How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly -Secret Revealed 2024”

  1. Useful article. Alexa rank is really important to get better google rank. It shows the quality of any website or blog. So we need to get a good Alexa rank. Your article will help us to do that.
    Thanks for sharing such an informative article.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing this post, We are having Regular posting in our blogs, but still we are facing to increase alexa ranking, any other short cut ways to increase alexa ranking


  3. My website’s alexa ranking is above one million at the moment and i am planning on improving it. But one question guys, does google pay attention about a website alexa’s rank to send traffics or is it only for advertisement purposes?

  4. Hello sir,
    Thanks for your valuable post. I have just started to implement the way you have said, but can you tell me how to increase page rank as well?


    1. I am happy that you like it Johnson. To Increase page rank you need remove affiliate link, make site load fast and get more user enagment. Thats all

  5. Hello,

    Thank you so much for the useful recommendations.
    Alexa ranking is important for every website, We are still working on increasing alexa ranking. This article will surely help us to improve our rank.

    Thanks for Sharing this amazing Article.

  6. Thanks for sharing this article. My Alexa Rank in Jan was below 5 lakh and my daily visitors were around 100 but now my alexa rank is increased a lot now its around 30 lakh and also my daily visitors are 200+ , so i don’t understand what’s going wrong. Please help me or suggest me somthing so that my Alexa Rank will again come under 5 lakh
    Thanks in advance

  7. I never bought alexa traffic in to spend hundreds of dollars, initially works well, my web alexa ranking rose to the hundreds of thousands. but after I register as a reseller to get a cheap price and re-purchase alexa traffic, trafficnya be slow, alexa ranking web I became bad.
    This time I tried to buy the exchange of traffic in by spending hundreds of dollars, hopefully the result is good.

  8. Hi,

    Thank you so much for this amazing article, i am about to start my new blog, these strategies are worthy for me.

    Thanks again


    1. Ya ,sure use the last 3 method mentioned in this post . [You need to sign up all three of them and buy/earn some point . Then submit your site and you alexa rank will surely increase.

  9. Hi,
    Great information it is top secret tips to grow Alexa ranking of any website. I Also follow above 2 method mentioned in this post.

  10. Thanks for sharing this type of blog. This blog is really useful and there alexa improvment tips its rally works. My website alexa ranking was 9,197,058 and right now my website alexa rank is 2,521,049 for more details check my website alexa rank.

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