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[First On Internet] How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts to Rank and Bank 2024

I follow these all rules for my all post. I have ranked no.6 for one of my desired buyer keywords within 15 days by following all these simple techniques. I am going to share everything that how you can write SEO-friendly blog posts so you rank fast and make money on autopilot.

In this short post I am going to share :

  • Simple yet effective step-by-step guide on how to wire SEO-friendly posts.
  • How to find profitable keywords.
  • How to optimize your site speed.
  • How to increase page views and average time on site.
  • How to reduce bounce rate.
  • And a lot of ..

But how the search engine works?

Matt cuts the head of the Google webmaster  team and explains it as follows:

So just start

  1. Take Time Into research: Before writing your new post you must take time to keyword research. You should select only low-competition keywords. Those keywords must have a minimum of 100 mo. search. If you are focusing on buyer keywords like review, buy, discount, best, etc. then you may also target keywords that have only 30 search/mo. .

I used KWFINDER for keywords research however you can also use semrush . [Long tail pro offers a 10-day free trial while semrush offers 30 days trial. You can read more at long tail pro review ]

You need simply put your seed keyword and hit search. It will show hundreds of keywords with global searches and other metrics. Here are some  long-tail keywords for “bitcoin”  I found using Long tail pro :

Once you have your keyword then let’s start to think about the title. I prefer to use 1 main keyword and 2 LSI keywords per post.

Some other tips for keyword research:  Focus on how to or question keywords. Check forums and quora what people are asking  .you can also use answerthepublich to find the questions of your audience.

  1. Put your keywords at the start of the title: If you want to write an SEO-friendly blog post then you must follow this rule. The keyword at the starting of the title is the most important Google ranking factor.

Some other tips for making a good title :

  1. If you don’t have title ideas you may portent title maker or HubSpot title maker.
  2. Add these words in your title like different, best, easy, First on the internet, MUST, FREE, You can’t believe, No one will tell you before you die, etc.

Some example :

  • [First On Internet] 9 different But easy ways to make money online that no one will tell you.
  • 9 best places to visit in India before you die.
  • Use odd numbers instead of even numbers like 101 ways to increase traffic for free, 51 ways to grow your Twitter fans, etc.

These types of titles will increase your CTR [click-through rate ].

  1. Put your keywords in the URL and keep the URL short: the URL of my only wire post is You may check that I have put my keyword in the URL and also I keep the URL short. Next time make sure you follow this technique. Here is what Matt Cuts say about this ”
  1. Put your keywords in the first paragraph but don’t do keyword stuffing: Keyword stuffing doesn’t work these days . Keyword density is dead nowadays. But one thing you must consider is you should put your keyword in the first paragraph of each post. You may notice that I have put ” SEO friendly blog posts”  in the first paragraph. Check this example too :
  2. Link at least 3 other websites in your post: Many people think that outranking another website may steal your traffic but it’s a half-truth.  If you follow top internet marketers you may notice that they outrank other websites in their niche from time to time. Here is a screenshot from neil post 

In the above screenshot, you can see that he has linked 4 websites in the first 100 words. Why does he (and other SEO guys ) do this?

Simply to tell search engines that this post is related to them. So search engines index them fast and give them a better rank. You may have noticed that some sites rank fast without on-page SEO optimization. This post is a great example :

Free Backlinks – Get 80 free .edu and .gov backlinks

I have not optimized this post too much but yet I am getting 50+ search engine visitors for this post.

Why? because I have linked 80 Edu and gov websites in this post.

I also outrank another website in each of my posts. But  beware there are also some other tricks which will benefit you :

  1. Link similar traffic websites and notice them so they can also link you back.

2. Make sure to open these entire links in a new window to reduce the bounce rate.

3. Only links that are closely related to your site. If in any case, you need links that are not related to your site make sure to add no-follow attribute. [Just make link no follow]

4. Don’t link any website in your review post. [Or the other post which you have written for money-making.]

Here is what brain dean from backlinko says on this :

This is a big one.

Most SEO-focused folks don’t link out to other sites enough.

The idea is that they’ll lose traffic and bleed link authority (PageRank).

But here’s the deal:

Google WANTS to send their users to pages that are hubs of helpful information.

(And yes, that includes pages with a healthy amount of outbound links)

And for every user you lose from an outbound link, you gain TWO from the boost in SEO traffic.

So make sure you include at least 3 outbound links to closely-related authority sites in every post.

6.Add one YouTube video in your post : You don’t have a YouTube video  ,don’t worry .I am not telling you to make your own video . Instead of this ,embed any other related video .

How will this benefit you :

Let’s suppose you have written a post that has 700 words [about 2 min read time. ]

Now suppose you have added a 5-minute video so if visitors come to your site they will also watch that video and your average time on site will increase to 7 minutes. And once again this is one of the main Google ranking factors.

Check my 101 ways to drive traffic for free and notice how many YouTube videos I embed. Here is what Ankit Singla From Bloggertipstricks says about this

Embedding a video increases the average time spend by a reader on a blog and does give it a natural and pure white hat SERP boost.

7 . Add one image per 300 words :

A picture is about 100 words. So if you want to increase your read time and reduce bounce rate add pictures to every 300 words. You can also add info graphics of other sites but make sure you give them proper credit.

Check my last post ” 11 different ways to make money from blogging [Info-graphics ] ” in this post I have embedded an info-graphics of bb101  . These infographics make your post user-friendly.

You can use canva to create free info-graphcis .

Note: Remember to add alt text in every image. (Once again avoid keyword stuffing .)

8. Interlinking: Interlinking will increase your page view. It will reduce the bounce rate. Interlink will rank you higher. You simply link your old post to a new post and your new post from your old post. It’s a very simple technique. By using this technique link juice will flow equally to your all post.

Here is what Rand form Moz says about this

9. Make your site load fast: if your site load speed is more than 7 seconds then you are losing traffic.[and also losing money] . Google won’t rank a slow-speed website. It’s a critical ranking factor.

You can check your speed in Google mobile speed test.

Some tips for making the site fast :

  1. Install tinypng plugin to reduce image size without losing quality.

2. Deactivate and delete unused plugins and images.

3. Avoid using too much JavaScript on your site.

Now it’s your time to rank and bank :

So there is no need to wait, follow this step-by-step guide to find your keywords .writing SEO in a friendly blog post, and finally, rank them. This is a simple Straightgy that will rank you higher and increase your traffic.

How to Do Keyword Research For Free and find long-tail keywords 2024

So what are your next steps? To rank and bank or just Just read and forget. If you are really serious to make money online, you need to take action that converts.

Note: Make sure you know how to index backlinks In Google else no backlinks will improve your search engine ranking.

Which techniques you are using to rank? Do you have any steps to add? Finally, share your thoughts about how to write an SEO-friendly blog post.

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