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How to become a hacker in 15 minutes PDF 2024

Hey, do you want to learn how to become a hacker in 15 minutes and download the pdf book?

Well, there is a piece of good news.

You can download it or read it.

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Here are some great things you will learn from it:-

C H A P T E R1 
System Intrusion in 15 Seconds1
C H A P T E R2 
The Trojan Horse1
The Hack 15
NewsGroups 18
Grapevine 18
Email 19
Un-Safe Websites19
IRC 19
ChatSites 19
C H A P T E R3 
Acceptable Files20
Readme & Text Files20
Chapter 4  
Who are Hackers24
Anarchist Hackers24
Hackers 25
Crackers 26
Chapter 5  
Tools of the Trade27
Portscanners 28

And some other things you will learn:-




Chapter 6 
Access Granted36
Bank Account Information37
Surveillance Via Internet Connection40
C H A P T E R  7 
How To Protect Yourself42
Antivirus Software44
Tips & Tricks45
Protecting Shared Resources49
Disabling File and Printer Sharing55
Oh No My system’s Infected59
Chapter 8 
Every Systems Greatest Flaw60
Chapter 9 
How to Report Hackers65
Chapter 10 
Final Words74

First Chapter:-


System intrusion in 15 seconds, that’s right it can be done. If you possess certain security flaws your system can be broken into in less than 15 seconds.

To begin this chapter I’d like you to do the following. Connect to the Internet using your dial-up account if you are on dial-up. If you are on dedicated service like High-Speed connections (ie, Cable and DSL) then just proceed with the steps below.

  • Click Start
  • Go to Run
  • Click Run (It’s a step by step manual) 🙂
  • Type Winipcfg
  • Hit the Enter Key

This should bring up a window that looks like the following

* For the editorial reason the above info has been omitted *

What you should see under IP address is a number that looks something like this. (The number will be different.)

If you use Dial-Up Internet Access then you will find your IP address under PPP adapter. If you have dedicated access you will find your IP address under another adapter name like (PCI Bushmaster, SMC Adapter, etc.) You can see a list by clicking on the down arrow.

Once you have the IP address write it down, then close that window by clicking (OK) and do the following.

  • Click Start
  • Go running (Click on Run)
  • Type command then Click OK

At this point, you should see a screen that looks like this.

Type the following at the Dos Prompt

  • Nbtstat –A IP address

For example nbtstat –A

(Please note that you must type the A in capital letters.)

This will give you a readout that looks like this

NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table


J-1<00> UNIQUE Registered
WORK<00> GROUP Registered
J-1<03> UNIQUE Registered
J-1<20> UNIQUE Registered
WORK<1E> GROUP Registered
WORK<1D> UNIQUERegistered

__MSBROWSE__.<01>GROUP          Registered

(Again info has been omitted due to privacy reasons)

The numbers in the <> are hex code values. What we are interested in is the “Hex Code” number of <20>. If you do not see a hex code of <20> in the list that’s a good thing. If you do have a hex code <20> then you may have cause for concern. Now you’re probably confused about this so I’ll explain.

A hex code of <20> means you have file and printer sharing turned on. This is how a “hacker” would check to see if you have “file and printer sharing” turned on. If he/she becomes aware of the fact that you do have “file and printer sharing” turned on then they would proceed to attempt to gain access to your system.

(Note: To exit out of the DOS prompt Window, Type Exit and hit Enter)

I’ll show you now how that information can be used to gain access to your system.

A potential hacker would do a scan on a range of IP addresses for systems with “File and Printer Sharing” turned on. Once they have encountered a system with sharing turned on the next step would be to find out what is being shared.

This is how:

Net view \\<insert ip_address here>

Our potential hacker would then get a response that looks something like this.

Shared resources at \\ip_address


The command was completed successfully.

This shows the hacker that his potential victim has their My Documents Folder shared and their Temp directory shared. For the hacker to then get access to those folders his next command will be.

Net use x: \\<insert IP address here>\temp

If all goes well for the hacker, he/she will then get a response of

(The command was completed successfully.)

At this point, the hacker now has access to the TEMP directory of his victim.

  1. The approximate time it takes for the average hacker to do this attack?
  1. 15 seconds or less.

Not a lot of time to gain access to your machine is it? How many of you had “File and Printer Sharing” turned on?

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is called a Netbios attack. If you are running a home network then the chances are you have file and printer sharing turned on. This may not be the case for all of you but I’m sure there is quite a number of you who probably do. If you are sharing resources please password protect the directories.

Any shared directory you have on your system within your network will have a hand holding the folder. Which looks like this.

Read Full Book Online:-

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Final Words:-

to become a hacker, you need to keep hard work and should be dedicated and passionate about your work.this book will definitely teach you how to become a hacker in 15 minutes and other basic things about hacking.

Keep learning and keep sharing.

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