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Pinterest SEO 2024: How to Optimize Pinterest Pins for SEO

Pinterest has become one of the most popular visual search engines from just a social network in a previous couple of years, and as with some other search engines, you can quickly optimize your profile to be found by different users or audiences on Pinterest.

And this also requires optimization, and this post is exclusive insight for you into the perfect optimization of the Pinterest pins.

With more than 100 million loyal fan base who continue searching for new and fresh content depending on their interests every day, Pinterest is most likely an underrated social network for most bloggers and internet marketers.

But when it comes to the traffic it can drive to your website, Pinterest is still untapped by many. Most importantly the work required here is very less compared to other social networking sites.

Pinterest SEO

Just a proper strategy and you are good to win over your niche audience here.

Nonetheless, keeping in mind the end goal to make a creative and successful profile on Pinterest, you have to ensure that many different users can easily find your pins and that is when SEO optimization for Pinterest is a must.

Indeed, there is an optimization required for Pinterest, and it’s not as complicated as it sounds for beginners.

Because in this post, we will let you know the bits and bytes of Pinterest SEO.

What Is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’ on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others’ boards (i.e. a collection of ‘pins,’ usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned. By visual orientation, people can easily understand the concept of personal lifestyle.

Interestingly, Pinterest is now the fastest-growing platform for online content sharing

People use Pinterest to save ideas, and products, collaborate with friends, and to bookmark things to read later. Pinning is typically a solitary activity where Pinners browse and save ideas and products that will help them improve the quality of their lives, their work, health, and many more things.

Pinterest is for inspiration to transform yourself into the best version of yourself.

What are you going to learn?

  • Things you should learn to optimize your Pinterest profile
  • How to optimize your Pinterest boards as much as possible?
  • How to optimize your Pinterest pins?
  • How to write better-optimized descriptions?
  • Why should you always avoid hashtags on Pinterest?
  • The art of keyword research on Pinterest.
  • How to utilize rich pins on Pinterest?
  • Perks of verifying your website.
  • Why should you pin consistently?
  • Concentrating on quality of content and images.
  • Why should you pin vertical pictures?

Pinterest is absolutely not a platform where you can expect to put short time investment and see fruitful results soon after.

When it comes to Pinterest SEO, you have to invest a lot of time, and you might be astonished about its evergreen content opportunities.​

So it’s an ideal approach to begin improving your quality and help other Pinterest users find your pins by searching easily.

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Success Story Of ABC Network Helped By Pinterest

The TV network’s promotional campaign on Pinterest helped build off of its TV activity. As seen with women 25-54, when someone was exposed to TV and Pinterest.

Converting more viewers: Their Goal

ABC Network is behind TV hits Grey’s AnatomyOnce Upon a TimeDesignated Survivor, and plenty more. Headquartered in Burbank, California, the studio develops, produces, and distributes entertainment content for the ABC Entertainment Group. The Walt Disney Company owns both organizations.

Upon launching a new show, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, in fall 2017, ABC Network wanted to increase awareness and tune-in rates. The series stars Jason Ritter in a high-concept, comedy drama about a selfish, clueless Texas man who has been tasked by God to save the world.

Pinterest is a great fit for Entertainment awareness campaigns, where 75% of Pinners find branded Entertainment content useful, and 73% report taking action (searching, watching, purchasing, etc.), based on branded content.

Pinterest also drives post-usage word of mouth and further brand affinity: over 50% of people either share information on Pinterest or look for Entertainment options after engaging with an entertainment Pin.

30% more likely to tune in: Their Result

The refinements had a positive impact. The video completion rate increased by 1% and the engagement rate also went up by nearly a full percentage.

The improved campaign creative also successfully increased people’s engagement with the Pins, as well as their awareness of the show and their intent to watch it. To measure how much, ABC Network used the in-alpha measurement solution Nielsen Watch Effect to determine how effective and efficient Pinterest was at driving tune-in.

Among women 25-54, those who saw the campaign on both Pinterest and TV saw 30% more likely to tune in than those who did not see the campaign on Pinterest.

Here’s a rundown of the list of tweaks and changes that could enhance your Pinterest presence:

1. Learn to optimize your Pinterest profile:

Before you even begin pinning via your Pinterest profile, you can change your profile and pick the best suitable username.​

You can easily find it through your account settings and create one that matches your profile and the way you need to be found.

Optimize your Pinterest Profile

The URL will fill in as your keyword, so ensure that you pick an unmistakable and significant username that includes your keyword.

Your username should clearly say about your niche and the topic for which to create content.

Make sure your username is:

  • Catchy
  • Creative
  • Graspable

2. Try optimizing your boards as much as possible.

Your boards should be convenient for all and neatly sorted out, accentuating both the titles and additionally on the pictures of the boards.

From an SEO point of view, it is essential to have a similar outlook as a user when picking a board’s title and naming it the way it would be sought.

Pinterest board ideas

Truly, an interesting title is a must with a better description and if you need to increase your pins’ ranking, you have to optimize the titles in a way that they can be found by different users with different similar keywords.

You don’t need to concentrate on the use of keywords alone entirely, but don’t hesitate to blend imagination with viability and creative ideas.

Read: Kwfinder Review & Tutorial

3. How to optimize your pins

Each pin is the portrayal of your profile, which implies that you have to optimize it properly.

Try not to be reluctant to be engaging, as this will assist the search engines in discovering your pins in a better way.

While optimizing your pins make sure you match it with as many different keywords as possible and don’t spam with the same keywords or exact match keywords.

4. Concentrate on your descriptions

Only one out of ten users invest the perfect amount of time and energy in writing best descriptions, and this eventually influences the odds of having it re-pinned.

Pinterest pin description

Pinterest favors the pins that give a particular and mindful description, one that enables the users to discover the picture they are searching for.

Creating content that depicts the image has its benefits, and it certainly plays a crucial role in rankings. Your descriptions should be entirely related to the pictures and should provide a clear approach to the image.

Well-curated descriptions always help in ranking as well.

TIP: Always write creative and thoughtful descriptions on Pinterest

5. Always avoid hashtags on Pinterest

At the point when Pinterest made a guide on the best way to utilize their platform for your business, it clearly said among others that:

Don’t simply drop keywords or hashtags. The description is a vital piece of content for an audience who might be interested to know more about the image.

Pinterest hashtags

By doing this, you’ll enable Pinners to envision themselves with your Pin.

On a ‘hashtagging’ scale from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter, Pinterest is likely in the middle of, as hashtags are not entirely pointless, but rather they are additionally not important to expand the scope of your pins.

So before using hashtags all over the Pinterest boards, you should remember that hashtags don’t play a significant role here, but the content does.

6. Art of keyword research on Pinterest

An ideal approach to locating the correct keywords for your pins is to perform searches on Pinterest on your own really.

Experiment with how the Pinterest search algorithm functions, which search results show up initially, and how Pinterest sorts out the pins.

On the off chance that you’d jump at the chance to test the execution of particular keywords on Pinterest, at that point you can just use Google, following this simple query:

site: “your keyword here.”

Along these lines, you can dissect the most mainstream pins as per their search ranking and the outcomes to improve your own keywords.

If you are wondering which is the most efficient method to discover who pins from your site or you just need to see how pinners pinned your content straightforwardly from your site, at that point you should only use the URL:

This is a simple approach to knowing what Pinterest users like pinning from your content, and also the way it ranks in Pinterest’s platform.

The most efficient method to discover who sticks on Pinterest from your site and investigate Pinterest’s referral traffic

Pinterest is among the top social networking sites that may drive extraordinary referral traffic to your site, so it’s valuable to quantify the pages that pulled in the greatest traffic.

Look at how pinners landed on your page and whether you can additionally optimize the most popular pins, or even redesign your content with new posts updating them or adding more content.

Utilizing Google Analytics to detect the most prevalent pins and their referral movement

7. Utilize rich pins

Rich pins are the upgraded form of the general pins, giving more data about a pin. They can be used as a part of six contents


  • Application.
  • Movie.
  • Recipe.
  • Article.
  • Product.
  • Place.

Regardless of whether it’s giving the cost of the item, a full recipe, or an article, rich pins tend to perform better in the search ranking, and they are profoundly suggested if your presence can profit by them.

How rich pins support your Pinterest nearness

For instance, noticed an expansion of 70% in its traffic back to the site with the utilization of rich pins. saw growth like no other did in Pinterest rankings with rich pins, so you should give it a try.

8. Verify your website

PopSugar Fashion is among the sites that got verified and best in Pinterest’s top charts.

A verified site is always prioritized on the query items over the rest, expanding the pinner’s power and in search rankings.

Verified websites always show trust and authenticity and users tend to click on verified sites more often.

Additionally, the check of your site on Pinterest enables you to get to additional points of interest for you in Pinterest Analytics, helping you monitor the execution of your content quality, from your most mainstream pins to analyzing your group of audience.

Verifying your site has a lot of advantages and make sure you do it without a miss.

Pinterest analytics give you helpful bits of knowledge on your pins’ performance, and this helps you to decide on which factors you should work more.

A verified site is always prioritized on the query items over the rest, expanding the pinner’s power and in search rankings.

Verified websites always show trust and authenticity and users tend to click on verified sites more often.

Additionally, the check of your site on Pinterest enables you to get to additional points of interest for you in Pinterest Analytics, helping you monitor the execution of your content quality, from your most mainstream pins to analyzing your group of audience.

Verifying your site has a lot of advantages and make sure you do it without a miss.

Pinterest analytics give you helpful bits of knowledge on your pins’ performance, and this helps you to decide on which factors you should work more.

9. Always pin consistently

Pinterest is about consistency. You don’t need to be fixated on it, or resemble a spam account that posts images on automation. However, you have to use it in your content logbook and pin engaging content a few times every week.

You can use the tool Tailwind for Pinterest Scheduling with 2 Months free trial.

Also, content curation is likewise critical, which implies that aside from the content creation, you additionally need to invest your time in the important measure of energy to spot famous pins and users in your niche and repin what’s significant to your group of audience and the boards you need to make.

Keep in mind, that Pinterest is perfect for the circulation of evergreen content, and this features significantly more the need to concentrate on the importance and quality of your content.

Pins give incredible value and long-term profitability

10. Concentrate on quality

Each picture you’re pinning should mean to emerge from the rest, dependably while keeping up its significance.

Quality is compensated with a better ranking in the search results and therefore, with repins and more traffic to your site. Pinterest users may not see your description.

But rather they unquestionably focus on the picture, and this implies each pin ought to be clear, have the correct size (in perfect words no less than 600 pixels wide), and adjust the real picture with content overlays if necessary to give a better look.

11. Pin vertical pictures

Each picture can be stuck on Pinterest; however, vertical images have more opportunities to be seen, as they possess more space in the displays of mobile phones.

As we said earlier, mobile users of Pinterest have grown by 75% and this mass of audience should be used effectively.

Also, vertical pins are perfect for smartphones, which takes us back to the significance of making pins that are very improved for Pinterest’s mobile version optimization.

A perfect size of a vertical image size should be nearly 736px by 2000px wide, with a specific end goal to take up the first space in the image quality, and additionally to give the relevant points of interest when clicked.

12. Optimize your product & service descriptions.

Create long, in-depth descriptions for your products so that Google can work its magic more effectively. If your catalog is huge, focus on your top products. The more you will write the more accurate Google can be in ranking your page. Use more keywords.

Do Pinterest links help SEO?

Visuals are powerful SEO tools. They lead to better recall and engagement from your audience. More backlinks. More social shares. Plus, more eyeballs on your content in general.

Pinterest is one of the more effective platforms that allow you to share visuals. It helps the reader to understand the content clearly.

Are Pinterest links nofollow?

Yes, Pinterest links are no-follow.

Usually, all social media links are no-follow. Whenever you create a link on Pinterest. I will be the no-follow link. It is quite useful to send plenty of traffic to your website. Tracking your Pinterest backlinks will help you determine how effective the platforms are in generating backlinks and referring traffic to your site.


Though we made this guide to help you optimize your Pinterest profile as well as pins to reach more people via proper optimization.

You should consider that except for the desktop audience, it may be a smart thought to experiment with Pinterest’s mobile version, as there’s an expanding number of people who are getting used to browsing using mobile.

As over 75% of Pinterest browsing takes place via mobiles and tablets, it’s vital to know the differences between the desktop and the mobile search, with Pinterest attempting to make the mobile platform as better as it could be expected under the circumstances.

We all should be ready for that.

If you follow all 12 points and apply these tweaks in your everyday routine of Pinterest optimization, we are sure you will be awarded long-term results.

19 thoughts on “Pinterest SEO 2024: How to Optimize Pinterest Pins for SEO”

  1. Hi Nekraj,

    Me and my team are regularly reading your articles and I’m sure they will do well on Pinterest after reading your article. Please keep posting these interesting article.


  2. We are regularly read your blog post and learned many SEO tips and tricks and we are trying to implement it through our websites. Thanks to you my friend Nekraj for your wonderful post.

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