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SEO Hacks- 27 Quick Tips To Boost Your Blog Traffic 2024

And it’s completely free.

It will take only 15 minutes and will give you thousands of free and targeted visitors.

Well, I guarantee that these 27 SEO techniques will magically boost your search traffic and ranking. I am so much sure because these techniques also boosted my search traffic.

1. Keep Total Link Low (under 100)

 As matt cuts say in his post  “Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100).”

The reason he had given in his post :

“The original reason we provided that recommendation is that Google used to index only about 100 kilobytes of a page. When we thought about how many links a page might reasonably have and still be under 100K, it seemed about right to recommend 100 links or so.

If a page started to have more than that many links, there was a chance that the page would be so long that Google would truncate the page and wouldn’t index the entire page.”

The second reason he added

“If you’re showing well over 100 links per page, you could be overwhelming your users and giving them a bad experience. A page might look good to you until you put on your “user hat” and see what it looks like to a new visit”

Here is Official Video :

This is simple. You should keep total links (nofollow+dofollow) on your page under 100. It also counts the comments link.

So if you get lots of comments then you might have more than 100 links on that page.

So how to fix this problem :

  1. Remove all links from your post which are not required.

2. Log into your WordPress dashboard – Comments and delete the website URL from your own comments.

3. Delete porn/gambling website URL from user comments. If you checked all your comments carefully then you will find many spam links.

4. Delete all links which are dead, profile links (like,,, etc.), and delete dead links. .tk ,.pl ,.id etc extension name .

Note: Don’t delete your regular user links and niche-related quality links.

2Delete junk posts and pages 

If your blog is old then you have many posts that don’t have any value now. Simply delete such post/page so that link juice come to your main page and post.

3. Fix your entire broken link 

Simply delete/change all dead/broken from your website.

How to easily find broken links on your site:

  1. Log in search console then crawl error then you will see a list of dead URLs in your site.

2. You can install the broken link extension and run that extension on each of your posts. Once you find delete/exchange all dead URLs.

4. Make your Site Mobile Friendly (AMP)

Make a mobile version of your site. It will increase your SERP in a mobile browser. Nowadays 60% of people surf the internet from their smartphones.

So make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

How to make your site mobile friendly :

A. Use a big font.

B. Compress image (or use CSS instead of images). You can install a tinypng plugin for WordPress. It will automatically compress your image whenever you upload a new image to your dashboard.

5. Make your site fast to lead 

A study shows that most visitors wait under 7 sec to load a page. If your page can’t load before that time you are losing traffic.

Here is an infographic from Kissmetrics  which reveals deeper info about loading time:

How to make your site load fast :

  1. Delete useless plugin.

2. Download/install wp-sweep plugin and clear junk WordPress database eg. Spam comments, trash comments, revision, etc.

3. If you have technical WordPress knowledge then disable useless JavaScript by modifying the theme.

6. Dead Web 2.0 Link building 

This is one of the widely used SEO tips and tricks but most of the time SEO Guys don’t share it A web 2.0 is a site where we can create our free blog eg. WordPress, BlogSpot, tumbler, Weebly, yola, etc.

So what does dead web 2.0 link building:

There are many bloggers who delete their blogs due to some reason.

So our work is to find such a dead web 2.0 domain and register them.

Because those dead 2.0 already have some backlinks so we can put our money site link on those dead Web 2.0 blogs.

Generally, Tumblr allows registering on a dead domain. So our first work is finding dead Tumblr. The easiest way to find dead Tumblr is ‘to buy. You can purchase them from seoclerks at a very cheap rate.

Once you have some dead Tumblr blogs, register on them. Upload a simple image by pointing a link to your money site(main site).

7. Social Signals 

Social signals play a vital role to rank these days.

You need to get as many as social signals you can for your blog (or post).

There is big SEO tips and tricks you have ever read Here is an easy process to get easy signals :

  1. Share your post in as much as FB groups as you can.
  2. Share your post on all your social media profiles.
  3. Register at social exchange sites like addmefast.
  4. Buy a mass planner that automatically shares your post in 100’s on Fb, LinkedIn, and Quora.
  5. You can also buy about 2300 social signals for $3 from seoclerks.
  6. Register at viral-content buzz which is free and gets quality social shares for your post.

Suggested Reading :

51 Ways to getting fast FB page likes

50 ways of getting free twitter followers.

8. Update your old post 

Because an updated post is equal to a new post in Google’s eyes. Simply find out which post is not getting enough views. Once you find then update them.

I have also updated many posts from time to time and republished them. For example, I have changed 11 blogging tools to 151 Free Tools for Blogger to Try in 2024 (And how to use them) and a lot more.

9. Exact match anchor text from internal pages 

Interlinking is good for SEO. But the best way to boost your SEO through interlinking is by using exact match anchor text for your post.

For example, if I want to link my only wire review from this post so I should use ‘only wire review ‘ as anchor text. This works great for me and I am sure it will also work best for you.

  1. Indexing your backlinks: This is my favorite advanced SEO tip and trick. We create/make backlinks for our website but what if Google doesn’t index them?

A ‘non-index backlink’ is like ‘no backlink ‘

So first question how to recognize whether our backlinks have been indexed or not?

Simple just go to Google search and type ” “

If this comes with any result then it means it has been indexed else hasn’t.

Second question what is the best way to index backlinks?

I don’t like to confuse you by saying to ping them. Pining doesn’t work. The best and easiest way to index all of your backlinks is to submit all of them in Google submit URL.    

Here is the complete Guide on how to index backlinks In Google 

10. Deep-link building 

Most bloggers build links for their homepage. It is not a good  SEO  practice. You should also make backlinks for your inner post. It will also increase your domain authority which is big SEO factor.

11. Redirect dead domain 

This is something like a black hat seo. But you can still use this because it works great.

Your work is to find/buy a dead domain that is related to your niche. Once you purchase, just redirect them to your money site.

You can use the Godaddy domain auction to find a dead domain.

12. Embedding YouTube video 

If you don’t have a YouTube video, don’t worry. I am not telling you to make your own video. Instead of this, embed any other related video.

How will this benefit you :

Let’s suppose you have written a post that has 700 words [about 2 min read the time. ]

Now suppose you have added a 5-minute video so if visitors come to your site they will also watch that video and your average time on site will increase to 7 minutes. And once again this is one of the main Google ranking factors.

Check my 101 ways to drive traffic for free and notice how many YouTube videos I embed. Here is what Ankit Singla from Bloggertipstricks says about this

Embedding a video increases the average time spent by a reader on a blog and does give it a natural and pure white hat SERP boost.

13. Target Question Keywords and write your article in answer style :

There are many question queries in each niche that have a high volume. Your work is to do proper keyword research. Check forums and quora what people are asking  .you can also use answer the public to find the questions of your audience.

Once you find such a question’s query then start writing an article in answer style.

Some examples of this :

  • How To Increase Google AdSense Earnings?
  • How to Increase Alexa Rank Quickly?

Do proper keyword research and you will find many queries of these types.

14. Linking Authority sites related to your niche

 Many people think that outranking another website may steal your traffic but it’s a half-truth. If you follow top internet marketers you may notice that they outrank other websites in their niche from time to time. Here is a screenshot from Neil’s post-on-page SEO for the blog post

In the above screenshot, you can see that he has linked 4 websites in the first 100 words. Why does he (and other SEO guys ) do this?

Simply tell the search engines that this post is related to them. So search engines index them fast and give better ranks. You may have noticed that some sites rank fast without on-page SEO optimization. This post is a great example :

Free Backlinks – Get 201+ free .edu and .gov backlinks

I have not optimized this post too much but yet I am getting 50+ search engine visitors/day for this post.

Why? because I have linked the 201 Edu and gov website in this post.

I also outrank another website in each of my posts. But beware there is also some other trick which will benefit you :

1. Link similar traffic website and notice them so they can also link you back.

2. Make sure to open these entire links in a new window to reduce the bounce rate.

3. Only links that are closely related to your site. If in any case, you need to link which are not related to your site make sure to add a no-follow attribute. [Just make link no follow]

4. Don’t link any website in your review post. [Or the other post which you have written for money-making . ]

Here is what brain dean from backlinks says on this :

This is a big one.

Most SEO-focused folks don’t link out to other sites enough.

The idea is that they’ll lose traffic and bleed link authority (PageRank).

But here’s the deal:

Google WANTS to send their users to pages that are hubs of helpful information.

(And yes, that includes pages with a healthy amount of outbound links)

And for every user you lose from an outbound link, you gain TWO from the boost in SEO traffic.

So make sure you include at least 3 outbound links to closely-related authority sites in every post.

15. Distribute your home page’s link authority to your most important pages-

Just Like this, you have to link your most important post.

You wrote a lot of posts on your blog but each post is not as equal. So if you want to increase quick ranking for your most important post, use this technique.

If you checked my blog home page, you will find this section:-

The above three posts are the most important post on my whole blog and I want that most of the visitors read these posts.

To make this happen I put these three posts on the home page so that these posts get more eyeballs.

The second benefit of this is everyone creates backlinks for their homepage. So our home page has the most link juice than any other page.

By putting our most important post on the home page we pass more link juice to this page to quickly boost and rank.

You can also apply this technique to your blog too.

Also Read:-

  • 15  Advanced SEO Tips and Tricks To Boost ranking 
  • 11 Black Hat SEO Techniques To Triple Traffic in 2024

16. Add other’s youtube videos in your every post.

This is another great SEO Hack to increase your traffic.

If you don’t have a YouTube video, don’t worry. I am not telling you to make your own video. Instead of this, embed any other related video.

How will this benefit you:

Let’s suppose you have written a post that has 700 words [about 2 min read the time. ]

Now suppose you have added a 5-minute video so if visitors come to your site they will also watch that video and your average time on site will increase to 7 minutes. And once again this is one of the main Google ranking factors.

Check my 101 ways to drive traffic for free and notice how many YouTube videos I embed.

17. Change your post title to “title 2024” and get thousands of free visitors.:-

Yes, this works.

This is another best and quick SEO Hacks to increase your traffic and Authority.

You can not rank for “make money online” but you can rank for “make money online 2024”

There are visitors who only want fresh articles so they type 2024 after their every search.

Try this and you will get thousands of free visitors to your site.

Viperchill shared a detailed guide on it How Four-Numbers Can Send You Millions of Visitors from Google in 2024

And that 4 number is the year [2022 now ]

18. Audit your site for technical errors and solve them:-

Broken links break your whole SEO. So if you want to stay ahead of your competitor’s audit your site SEO and technical SEO.

I suggest 2 free tools.

The first is

Simply put your site home page URL and hit search.

This will result in all broken links, duplicate pages, and a thin page.

Another great tool I love is a deep crawler. It will crawl each page as google Bots do.

And find if there is any page or post which is not index-able or if your robot.txt file creating any problems.

You can also find duplicate content and broken links with free tools.

Believe me, This is the best, awesome, and working SEO Hacks to increase your traffic and SERPs.

19. Content Locker

Simply Put a content locker at each post and ask your reader to share.  This will make your content viral and You will easily increase your website traffic.

You can get a lot of free traffic and social signals with these awesome SEO hacks. Give some freebie to your visitor to encourage them to share your content.

20. Optimize meta description for click:

The Meta description is the second most important part of on-page SEO. If you want to stay ranked above your competitor then you need greater CTR than your competitor’s.

To make this happen you need to optimize your description for a more click-through rate

21. Add your new post link to your most popular post and get free extra visitors to your new post:-

This is very simple. If you want to increase page views for your blog and each new post, then just go to your most popular post and add a new article.

Very simple but it works

22. Comment on another blog with yourname@keywords:-

The best way and the best technique for driving traffic by commenting is to type your name@keywords in the name field while commenting.

This technique works greater than commenting on comment Luv blogs.

There are a lot of blogs in your niche that accept and publish these comments if your comments are of high quality.

Your name doesn’t make any sense to click on it.No matter how good or long a comment you have written. You are just wasting your time in this way.

So next time whenever you comment at any blog put your blog name after your keyword and enjoy free traffic.

I suggest commenting only at auto approve blog comments like

23. Reshare your old content

 There is no good reason to not share your old evergreen content again and again. If your people love your post in 2024 then they will also love it in 2024.

I suggest you find your 5 best-performing posts and share them with different titles and descriptions.

All social media marketing websites use this technique. You can also use these tricks to boost your traffic for free.

I would recommend two tools to auto-schedule this task.

Buffer is the best tool for sharing your old post automatically. You can add 3 social media in the free version and 10 articles at a single time. Buffer will automatically post it on social media as per the scheduled time.

24. Use the AIDA system while writing each of your posts

AIDA means attraction, interest, desire, and action.

This is a great copywriting technique used by all top copywriter blogs like copy bloggers, Problogger, etc.

There are some great guide on this but I will summarize them here:-

  1. Your title should be very very attractive. You can add the words “Secret Revealed”, “fixed”, “Which you don’t know”, Which no one will tell you” etc words to boost your CTR. [Yes, this is something like click-bait.]
  2. Your first 100 words of each post should be very intrusive to your reader. You should trigger your reader’s pain in the first 100 words.
  3. In the middle part of your post, you should complete the desire of your readers.
  4. And finally, force your readers to take action.

That’s all.

25. Join HQ Share Exchange Programmer like Viralcontentbee and Leads leap

There are many social media exchange sites but you should not waste your time on each site.

If you want to drive traffic to your site then you should join only two sites.

The first is the viral content bee. This is a high-quality social media exchange site. You share other posts and you get points, in return, you can submit your own post and others will share on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Stumbleupon.

Viral Content Buzz is a place where you can earn points for sharing other people’s content and use those very points to get other people to share your content.

Yes, I realize this post isn’t supposed to have social media-related methods for getting traffic, but Viral Content Buzz doesn’t really have to do as much with social media as it has to do with showing your content to a community. There is no crazy social media tool, strategy, or trick involved. You simply have to submit your content to the site and it will send traffic your way.

On some level, it’s nothing more than a place where competent people from different niches gather to share quality content. Now, if you happen to like something shared by someone, you can help them out and Tweet it or Like it on Facebook. The more you participate in the community and share other people’s content, the more exposure you can get for your content.

Viral Content Buzz thoroughly checks your social media profiles to make sure that your Facebook and Twitter profiles that you are using to promote other people’s content are real profiles with real followers and plenty of activity. This makes sure that none of the people joining the community are looking to take advantage of it. Because these are real people with real followings that are genuinely sharing your content, you get a lot of visibility and traffic.

Join Viral Content Buzz and submit your best content. Your content will be shared by people who would not have seen your articles otherwise and you will get traffic that is genuinely interested in reading what you have to say.

You need to have 10k Facebook page likes or 5 k Twitter fans to get started with their network. You can not spam their network and if you try to do this they will kick you out instantly.

The second is Leads leap. This leads to a provider service for free. You can drive traffic, get free quality leads(email subscribers) and make money up to 10 levels.

If you belong to the Internet Marketing niche then you must join this network.

26. Quora:-

Hey wait again I will not bore you. I will not suggest you answer questions as much as you can. I will give you the secret formula to drive massive amounts of traffic from questions and answers sites like quota and Yahoo answers.

  1. Just sign up at quora.

2. Fill your interest

3. Lookout for some questions.

4. Find questions about “Application”  and “Website”

Let’s supposed someone wants an android app for WhatsApp spying. We know very well that what dog is very good for this job.

But the tricks here answer his questions like this:

Hey dude,  Your question is same what I was searching for many days.  But Finally I found an app called whatsDog. It’s a free app and doesn’t need of rooting cell phone. You can download it from here( your post url where you have whatsdog download link). 

Note – If you don’t have any download link then also you can do the same.  No problem.

Same on the website, reference about your website. Mind opened?

27. Before making your website live, Do Proper Keywords Research –

Most people and webmasters think the opposite of it. They think that keyword research is the second thing.

But if you want to increase traffic from day 1, you need to do proper keyword research from day 0.

Search and research your niche. Which will the most important keywords for your business? What do your future readers search for? Which are the low competition keywords for your business?

Make a list or excel sheet of your keywords. Then start writing the post focusing on these keywords.

This is the secret of top start-ups. If you want to succeed online, You need to do it before the start. Focus only on “Long Tail Keywords” because they are easy to rank and probably they don’t have high competition.

You use the “KWFINDER’ Keywords Research Tool for your keywords research purpose. Read Kwfinder Review for more details.

These are the best SEO tips anyone can provide. But If you are reading this post then there are high possibilities that you have a blog.

So what is the next point?

Simple and very simple.

Just use this white hat SEO technique next time when you write your next post or start your next website.

To move the next technique and I am sure you will never forget it.

Now It’s your turn

Driving traffic to a new blog really big pain. But if you follow the right system and the technique I am sure you can drive big traffic in a short time.

Follow my secret techniques and share your experience.

Which SEO HACKS  are you using to drive traffic to your site?

13 thoughts on “SEO Hacks- 27 Quick Tips To Boost Your Blog Traffic 2024”

  1. Wow, great post this big value for me because strategy and also the tips how to get more traffic really big help my site.. thank you

  2. As I m beginner or learner in the field of SEO, Today I learn great tips to improve myself and get Pro hacks in SEO.
    Thanks for such great information regarding SEO HACKS

  3. thanks for the list, and according to you which one would be the best for programming blogging tips by SEO

  4. hi Niraj thanks for sharing this Seo Tricks with us I have one doubt you have mention that uses youname@keywork can you tell one example for this i am waiting for your reply

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