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Voice Search SEO 2024: How to Optimize For Voice Search

Gone are the days when everyone used to type for every single search query. Voice search is actively replacing the traditional type of searching. Most of us own smartphones and are always on the go.

Voice Search SEO is as important as link building and other types of SEO.

With the advent of artificial intelligence, virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google Now have become our new guides. It is important to optimize our website or blog with the right content quality for our audience.

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Well, here are some predictions for Voice Searches:-

“50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2024” according to Comscore

“About 30% of searches will be done without a screen by 2024.” via Mediapolis

“We estimate there will be 21.4 million smart speakers in the US by 2024” according to Activate

“By 2024, the voice recognition market will be a $601 million industry”, according to a report from Technavio via Skyword.

“This year (2022), 25 million devices will be shipped, bringing the total number of voice-first devices to 33 million in circulation.” based on a new study by VoiceLabs via Mediapost

It is quicker and more fun when compared to the traditional type of search. It is estimated by a research study that, by 2024 about half of the search queries will come from voice search. This gives a complete idea that why we need to think about voice search as the next game-changer and implement techniques to make this feature more effective for the audience.

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Here are 8 awesome quick tips through which you can optimize your blog content for voice search:

1. Use a Natural & Conversational Language

The voice search works differently than the typed search. In a typed search, we need to look for the right keywords and include the same in our article in the right amount, called the keyword density. In a voice search, things work differently. We need to keep the tone of the content very user-friendly and as if we are solving their problems.

For example, the keyword, “bike repairs” with a fair density in our content might not work in your favor when writing content for your bike repairs website and is considered for voice search. But if we write somewhere in the article “bike repairs can be done here” then it will be optimized for voice search. This is because the user will directly ask the question to the digital assistant “where are bike repairs done” for an instant.

Google Hummingbird update makes use of NLP ( Natural Language Processing ) and recognizes your voice. Along with its Machine Learning Algorithm, it suggests related searches and queries. So, think like a human and keep the tone of the content conversational as opposed to the typed search content.

2. Aim for Long Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are the real winners in optimizing your site content for voice search. They are targeted for more specific searches. Also, long-tail keywords can attract more traffic to a particular niche than a generalist keyword. So, what exactly are these long-tail keywords?

Let’s take an example. You are searching for topics related to digital marketing courses.

LSI keywords are the Latent Semantic Index keywords. These keywords although are not the main search keywords but are related to your search and help you rank higher in search rankings.

A normal keyword would be “digital marketing courses” but a long tail keyword would be like “digital marketing courses in Delhi”. So, for instance, if you have a digital marketing training institute in Delhi, then your blog would rank higher in Google search owing to the long-tail keywords in your content. And this is how the voice search is done.

Your audience won’t speak generalist normal keywords but they want their specific queries to be answered. So, include long-tail keywords keeping in mind that the audience generally asks questions in voice search.

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3. Create a separate FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page

Many a time it can happen that you may forget to include the right long-tail keyword in your particular blog post. So, creating a separate FAQ page is a solution to this problem. Here, you can include all the long-tail keywords in one place. Also, this will greatly enhance your SEO performance as the voice-optimized search heavily relies on the audience’s daily queries and questions.

Group the common questions together and write in a natural conversational tone. If there is more than one page then also create a multi-page FAQ with all the questions which are possible. In this way, the search engine can extract all the data easily from your blog for any specific search query.

It can be a pretty daunting task at first to create so many questions and write their answers but, it makes sure that your blog content ranks higher in voice search results. Also, being mobile-friendly is yet another thing that you need to consider. Make your FAQ page mobile friendly and include questions related to the local business listings.

4. Use a lot of Microdata on Your Website

Microdata is crucial information related to your business like address, phone numbers, and business hours. None of your website visitors would be interested in your business if you don’t have a proper address and contact number. Adding these microdata helps Google spiders crawl your data and understand what all this is about.

This greatly enhances the chance that Google will use your data to answer search-related queries. To do this you have to add your Google My Business Information. Apart from this, you need to submit a sitemap to Google including information such as physical location, directions, etc.

Since most of the voice searches are mainly local, this will keep you updated and will increase your chances of showing up when any voice search is done related to a local business, location, or business category. Using microdata has very significant use in increasing the SEO for your blog. It optimizes your site to a very great extent.

5. Create Conversational Content

When someone utilizes voice search, they tend to say more conversational keywords compared to desktop. Think about it; you don’t speak the same as you communicate online! For example, when you look for the “best B2B website designs” on your desktop, you will type just that. When using voice search, you tend to use more conversational language such as “What are the best B2B website designs?” These searches generate diverse results.  

By creating conventional content you have a better chance of reaching targeted customers and you will get the right traffic on your sites.

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6. Speed Up Your Websites

Why is this relevant to voice search? It’s because mobile voice search users are looking for immediate on-the-go results. Additionally, Google has officially announced that its “speed update”, which enables page speed in mobile search ranking, is now rolling out for all users worldwide.

The time it takes to load the average landing page is 15 seconds. The best time should have been under 3-4 seconds

7. Focus On Questions

Forty-nine percent of people who use voice search say it feels like talking to a friend. These people are engaging with their voice-activated speakers as if they were human. Thus, the way in which they conduct voice searches also differs.

You need to find the natural language keyword phrases that your target audience is most likely to ask.

8. Provide Answers

When you optimize for featured snippets, you’re likewise optimizing for voice search. About 40.7 percent of voice search answers come from featured snippets. You can create content for answers (i.e., an FAQ page). You can update your content. Answer any existing questions on your Google My Business Questions and Answers section.

This will help you in getting traffic to your websites.


Here, you saw how important a voice search-based SEO is and how digital assistants are totally replacing typed search queries. Searching by voice has become a hot topic for most SEO professionals. Rather than typing on their mobile screen, people are directly asking straight questions to their digital assistants. Amazon’s Alexa is one such perfect specimen of this. Voice search is becoming popular day by day and only through the right approach and technique, we can master its SEO.

Naveen is Digital Marketer by Profession, Blogger By Passion, and kind by nature. He is working with JoomDev – A Leading Joomla Template and WordPress Themes development company in India. Apart from this, he loves to research and converts new ideas into reality.


1 thought on “Voice Search SEO 2024: How to Optimize For Voice Search”

  1. Wow, its really wonderful post.I was looking for.
    Voice search is going to change the future SEO.
    This article helped me much to get an idea.
    Thanks for the share.have a good day.

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